Kotivinkki-magazine 04/2017: Sun is shining soon – Fleimio Woodhopper

Kotivinkki-magazine 04/2017: Sun is shining soon – Fleimio Woodhopper

Kotivinkki-magazine told good ideas about decorating the terrace in their issue n:o 8 (04/2017): ”Sun is shining soon”! One idea was the Fleimio Woodhopper.

fleimio woodhopper in Kotivinkki Magazine 4/2017

Fleimio woodhopper is meant for those, who feel carrying firewood logs as heavy or for those, whose distance from the woodshed to the fireplace or to the sauna is long. That is, it is a firewood cart that helps you to move more firewood easier. You are able to store and move approximately 2-3 times more firewood in it compared to a normal log holder.

Find the nearest Fleimio Woodhopper retailer (https://www.fleimio.fi/open-air/) or buy your own from the fleimio online shop.

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