Fleimio Uutiset
Kevätmessut / Spring Fair: Terassi magazine 4/2018
Kevätmessut / Spring Fair: Terassi magazine 4/2018 Kevätmessut / Spring Fair were held in Helsinki on the 12.-15th of April. Fleimio stand was located in the theme area of the Summer Cottage area. Terassi magazine (n:o 3/2018) wrote about the fair itself and about the fleimio woodhopper. Fleimio participated the Spring Fair for the first…
Lue lisääFabulous Storing: Sköna Hem 03/2018
Fabulous Storing: Sköna Hem 03/2018 Sköna Hem wrote about their ideas of fabulous storing in their newest number 4 (03/2018). One of the fabulous storing ideas was the fleimio trolley original. The Sköna Hem wrote: ”functional simplicity combined with the aesthetics. We have chosen the spring’s nicest and most clever storages.” Additionally, they wrote about…
Lue lisääFleimio @ Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 6.-10th of February 2018
Fleimio @ Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 6.-10th of February 2018 Finnish design company fleimio exhibited again at the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair. fleimio stand was AG:17, which was located between the halls A and B. Goal was to launch two new colours of the fleimio woodhopper and to present the new fleimio trolley concept…
Lue lisääfleimio historia
2010 fleimio was founded 2011 fleimio original lanseerattiin– Mäntyharju loma-asuntomessut– Kokkola asuntomessut– Habitare / yhteistyössä Lapponia talot– Helsingin Sanomat, Glorian Koti, Divaani, Meidän Mökki, Deko, Maalla, Talo&Koti, Plaza Koti, Kauniit kodit, Avotakka, Kotiliesi, Koti ja keittiö 2012 fleimio original gift pack (premium koivuklapit) & fleimio woodhopper #1 lanseerattiin– Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair– Scandinavia Show…
Lue lisääModern Storage Furnitures by fleimio (12/2017)
Modern Storage Furnitures by fleimio (12/2017) world around us has changed dramatically the past ten years, which has led to improvements and changes in education, in our personal lives and in our work. Therefore, there is demand for modern storage furnitures for contemporary interior design and home décor. This article describes the versatile fleimio trolley…
Lue lisääDesign Year 2017: Highligts from the Top of Finnish Design – fleimio trolley 12/2017
Design Year 2017: Highligts from the Top of Finnish Design – fleimio trolley 12/2017 Design Year 2017 is a new publication about extensive Finnish design. It is a timetravel to the history of design in the independent Finland. Additionally, it tells about highlights from the top of Finnish design describing the origin of each product.…
Lue lisääFleimio Launched Novelties at the Maison & Objet Paris 8.-12th of September 2017
Design company fleimio from finland exhibited for the 5th time at the Maison & Objet trade fair in Paris on the 8.-12th of September. The stand of fleimio D7 was located in a great location in hall 7 (now! design a vivre!) where fleimio presented its novelties widening its range of modern storage furnitures. It…
Lue lisääHow to Select a Proper Way to Transport Firewood to the Fireplace
People in the Nordic Countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland) burn a lot firewood in their fireplaces in order to warm up their houses during the winter when the outdoor temperature is often freezen (below 0 centigrades). Traditionally the firewood are carried by using a log holder or a cardboard box. However, winters are long…
Lue lisääHus & Hem 9/2017: help with firewood – fleimio woodhopper
Hus & Hem 9/2017: help with firewood – fleimio woodhopper Swedish Hus & Hem magazine wrote in their 9/2017 issue: ”help with firewood – fleimio woodhopper” in their ”everything for the house” article. The magazine wrote: ”it is time to think about job which helps in warming in the winter. A logcart is a good…
Lue lisääDrömhem & Trädgård 8/2017: Just Now – Fleimio Woodhopper
Drömhem & Trädgård 8/2017: Just Now – Fleimio Woodhopper Drömhem & Trädgård magazine from Sweden in their issue n:o 11 (8/2017) wrote on their ”Just Now” page: ”Save your back! Is it a long way from woodshed to the fireplace or to sauna? Drive your logs with a nice cart. Finnish Fleimio Woodhopper, 950 SKR…
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